

Sunday - 9AM Sunday School & 10:15AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 4:45PM Fellowship Supper & Students, 5:30PM Children's Bible Study, 6PM Adult Bible Study Prayer Meeting

The Women's Ministry of Government Street Baptist Church

Join the women of Government Street Baptist Church as they grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and think through practical applications to everyday life.

Rags to Blessings

The fourth Saturday of each month from 9am to 1pm

An opportunity for women of all ages to gather and create something beautiful with the idea that missionaries could connect with people easier if they could meet some of their physical needs. Sewing skills are appreciated but not necessary to participate.

Ladies Bible Study

A Monday night study has been offered for ladies of all ages for about 30 years here at Government Street. It has been a wonderful experience to meet for prayer, Bible Study and to make sweet friendships with fellow sisters in Christ.

We invite anyone who wants to know more about the Bible, more about our walk with Christ and more about our prayer ministry to join us each Monday at 5 pm in the Hospitality Room.  

Secret Sisters

Women ministering to other women through prayer, encouragement, and offering small gifts to each other throughout the year, all in secret. Experience how wonderful it is to be prayed for and thought about, and then to discover who it was that has been uplifting you at year's end.

Homeless Ministry

We aspire to reach into the community, finding ways to inspire women and men to seek God as the answer to the need of their souls, to assist in meeting their basic needs, and to network them to the agencies that may guide them in finding healthcare, housing, and job training.