About Us


Sunday - 9AM Sunday School & 10:15AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 4:45PM Fellowship Supper & Students, 5:30PM Children's Bible Study, 6PM Adult Bible Study Prayer Meeting

Our Mission

The mission of Government Street Baptist Child Development Center is to extend the ministry of and help accomplish the purpose of Government Street Baptist Church by providing quality care, education, and development for each child enrolled to his/her greatest potential. This includes the spiritual, mental, physical, emotional, and social development of the children. This is accomplished by providing developmentally appropriate activities and guidance based upon Christian principles and by providing a program of ministry and outreach to the families of the children enrolled. Government Street Baptist exists to build Godly character in children through quality Early Childhood Christian Education in a safe and caring environment, incorporating proven methods and materials to promote success in school and in life with eternal values.

Staff requirements

All of our staff must pass a background check with finger printing and references plus have clearance from the AL State Child Abuse/Neglect Registry.  Training includes child development, health, safety, positive discipline and guidance. Current health evaluations are also required. Each staff member is required to have food handler's permit, certificates in child abuse prevention and bloodborne pathogens.  We maintain a minimum of 50% of our staff being certified in CPR/First Aid/AED.  Employees are sought that have a desire to care for children and a commitment to establish a nurturing, Christ-centered atmosphere for child development.

Our Office Staff

Deborah Eddie – Child Development Center Director

Melissa Davis – Child Development Center Assistant Director

Cat Hall Afternoon Supervisor

Jenny McEvoy Receptionist

Alexis Turner-Receptionist

Amber McKay Receptionist

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