It is almost unbelievable that the first quarter of this century is in our rear-view mirror. Now, we have time to reflect and, hopefully, see great progress in our personal lives, and, most importantly, in our spiritual life. I hope that as you reflect and look back you are celebrating new Bible verses that you have memorized, celebrating the discipline of reading through the Bible, and celebrating a more consistent prayer life.
If you look back and do not see much to celebrate, then I have good news for you: A new year and a new focus are here for you (and me)! It is a time of fresh starts and new beginnings. I’m praying that this year is a year of meaningful growth in my life and in the life of our church.
In reading the Scriptures, it is interesting to note that often when Israel looked back at their past, it led them to grumbling and complaining. They only wanted what was in the past. They wanted their old ways and old patterns. They were not even aware that at times their grumbling and complaining was what was holding them back from the amazing blessings that God had laid out ahead of them.
Let me encourage you, as we have a fresh start, to guard your heart about grumbling and train your eyes to only look forward. It is the future of this church that God is focused on—not the past. I am excited about the possibilities in our future, but we will only see the full blessings of it as we move forward. The past is just that: past! We cannot go back and change one thing about it, but we do not have to keep repeating the mistakes that we experienced there.
In 2025, we will be talking often about 25 in ’25. This will be a theme about goals that we have for 2025. Here are a couple: We want at least 25 baptisms in 2025, and we want 25 new families to join our fellowship in 2025. Those two goals will not just happen. It will require moving forward, focused prayer, and very intentional work to see it happen. It will require all of us to move forward (leaving the past!) in only one direction. I’m claiming this verse for this year: “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” (ROMANS 8:31). I’m asking you to help us move forward and make this year different for all the right reasons. With what we are focused on I promise that there will be no regrets! I look forward to worshiping with you soon at GSBC!
Pastor Scotty J
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