If you had told anyone living along the Interstate 10 corridor from New Orleans, LA, to Crestview, FL, that a major snowstorm was headed their way, they may have declared you certifiably crazy! I mean, it just doesn’t do that here ... until it does!
What an incredible experience! Everyone who is reading this was directly impacted in numerous ways by the snowstorm that all of us will reference. It will mark time and serve as a reference point here just like Hurricane Frederic did in 1979, and like the famed leprechaun sightings in the Crichton area. People will begin conversations with something like, “Do you remember in 2025 when we had the most snow ever recorded in Mobile?” T-shirts will be made. Students are still smiling from the time off.
I hope that you had a lot of great moments and took lots of pictures to capture the moments. It truly seemed surreal that it actually happened. That seems to be the feeling when a historic event takes place. We seem shocked that it really took place and that we experienced it. Maybe deep down we don’t believe that we can make history.
When you break it down, the snow, with all the beauty that it brought with it, can be explained fairly simply. I’ll try to keep it simple here because I believe there is a lesson to learn and a pattern to follow. I found 4 things that I can directly reflect on and apply to my faith:
1. The snow was peaceful;
2. The snow was never loud;
3. The snow was pure;
4. The snow made an impact on the entire region.
Our faith walk with God should always, always be filled with peace. In John 14:27, Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you.” When God’s peace rules our hearts, then we can be as peaceful as the falling snow. And our faith, well, it doesn’t need to be loud to get attention or to have influence. Our peaceful, steady faith will always have an impact around us. We do not have to scream it, but we do have to live it!
Let’s choose to stay pure in heart so that we can clearly hear God and faithfully follow Him. Let’s pray for a real revival to really happen that impacts our entire region. I know many say it can’t happen here, because they have never seen it happen here. Let’s keep following, praying, and influencing … until it does! I’ll see you soon at GSBC!
Pastor Scotty J
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