The latest at Government Street Baptist Church
Stay up to date with the happenings of Government Street Baptist Church. You'll find information such as announcements and thoughts from our pastor & staff to encourage and challenge your walk with the Lord. Click the links below for the pdf version of The Courier, or click the button below to sign up to receive The Courier by email.
March 2025
by: Scotty Jernigan
Sound Planning and Solid Ground
So, we have officially entered the wacky weather season. It is Spring this week. It was definitely Winter last week, and I believe that we have had both in the same day several times over the past month. And as those two seasons ping-pong back and forth for control, Summer shows up and reminds us all that it is waiting to take over and greet us soon.
Trying to predict and plan around the weather in Mobile, AL, is about as risky as ha more
February 2025
by: Scotty Jernigan
If you had told anyone living along the Interstate 10 corridor from New Orleans, LA, to Crestview, FL, that a major snowstorm was headed their way, they may have declared you certifiably crazy! I mean, it just doesn’t do that here ... until it does!
What an incredible experience! Everyone who is reading this was directly impacted in numerous ways by the snowstorm that all of us will reference. It will mark time and serve as a reference point here just like Hurricane Frederi more
January 2025
by: Scotty Jernigan
It is almost unbelievable that the first quarter of this century is in our rear-view mirror. Now, we have time to reflect and, hopefully, see great progress in our personal lives, and, most importantly, in our spiritual life. I hope that as you reflect and look back you are celebrating new Bible verses that you have memorized, celebrating the discipline of reading through the Bible, and celebrating a more consistent prayer life.
If you look back and do not see much to celeb more